Practice and employment

Analysis of employment of graduates of the Department of Food Biotechnology for the 2023-2024 academic year

The total number of graduates of educational programs 6B05101-Biotechnology  in 2023-2024 academic year was 67 people.

Some of them are employed:

  • got a job in the specialty - 2 (2.9%)
  • There are 8 graduates (11.4%) who plan to enroll in a master's degree program
  • They do not work in their specialty – 26 (38.8%);
  • Are on maternity leave – 6 (9%);
  • Free employment – 25 (38%);

1) According to the results of the analysis, 42 graduates were employed in 2023-2024 academic years, which is 62.6% of the total number.
2) According to the information for the month of February, it is 62.6 %


Industrial practice of students in the Kulikovskiy CD


Scientific Production and Technical Center "ZHALYN" ("SPTC Zhalyn")

According to the curriculum, students, starting from the 2nd year, undergo internships, which are divided into 4 types: educational, introductory, industrial and pre-diploma.

The department has concluded cooperation agreements with leading enterprises such as: Carlsberg Kazakhstan LLP, Increase Food LLP Shin Line, JSC "Bacchus", LLP  IP "Hamle Company LTD", JSC "Lotte Rakhat", LLP "SPTC Zhalyn", LLP "KhBK Aksai", RSE on PVC Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of Plants  MES RK,  “Research Institute of Food Safety” ATU, "Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry named after. M.A. Aitkhozhina" as well as the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov


Industrial practice of students at JSC «Lotte Rakhat»


Industrial practice of students at LLP «Increase Food» Shin Line

3rd year students of the Department of Food Biotechnology during practical training at KSTU named after I. Razzakov

Graduates of the department can work at manufacturing enterprises and in laboratories of the food, processing, microbiological and pharmaceutical industries, as well as in research institutes and universities of biotechnological, medical, agricultural profiles, in control laboratories  quality and safety of agricultural products, environmental services and organizations.

Graduates of the department have the opportunity to continue their studies abroad, participate in international educational programs and competitions. Graduates who have demonstrated a high level of fundamental training and have shown a penchant for creative work will successfully continue their studies in master's and doctoral programs.

Analysis of employment of graduates of the Department of Food Biotechnology for the 2021-2022 academic year

The total number of graduates of specialty 5B070100-Biotechnology in the 2021-2022 academic year. amounted to 172 people.

Of them employed:

  • got a job in my specialty – 47 (27.3%)
  • I plan to enroll in a master’s program – 6 graduates (3.4%)
  • They do not work in their specialty – 100 (58.1%);
  • They are on maternity leave – 19 (11.0%);
  • Free employment – 72 (41.9%);

According to the results of the analysis, 100 graduates of the 2021-22 academic year were employed, which is 58.1% of the total.

Analysis of employment of graduates of the Department of Food Biotechnology for the 2022-2023 academic year

Total number of graduates of EP 6B05101-Biotechnology in the 2022-2023 academic year. amounted to 62 people.

Of them employed:

  • got a job in my specialty – 3 (4.8%)
  • I plan to enroll in a master’s program – 6 graduates (9.6%)
  • They do not work in their specialty – 18 (29.1%);
  • They are on maternity leave – 12 (19.35%);
  • Free employment – 23 (37.1%);

1. According to the results of the analysis for the 2022-23 academic year, 39 graduates were employed, which is 63% of the total.
2. According to information for October, the month is 63%


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